August 25 2020

The arts have measurable and invaluable impacts on our lives and our learning. That’s why the U’s Arts Pass program makes it easy and affordable to experience the arts at the U — even during a pandemic!

Arts Pass 101 promo from U of U College of Fine Arts on Vimeo.


Arts Bash, our usual start-of-year event to promote Arts Pass, is taking on a new form this year to accommodate the health and safety of our faculty, staff and students. Enter: Arts Pass 101 which will be held during the second week of school (Aug. 31 — Sept. 4), and will give you the chance to learn about how you can get free or deeply-discounted access to amazing arts experiences through the Arts Pass program, and in doing so, get the chance to win one of three prize packs, with the grand prize including an iPad Pro and keyboard (on which you can make or experience the arts) 


And you can do it three ways (choose any or all):

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Watch our Arts Pass 101 video that will be hosted on from Aug. 31 through Sept. 4 to learn about the arts offerings this year. During it, you’ll be given a special link where you enter to win!

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Visit the Arts Pass 101 table outside the Utah Museum of Fine Arts main doors from noon-2P on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2 or 3 to pick up some swag, swipe your card for your entry to win, and feel free to swing by the UMFA Café inside for your favorite beverage.

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Find the University of Utah’s Instagram post about Arts Pass 101, like it, tag two friends on that post, and follow @uofuartspass.


Our winners will be announced on Arts Pass social media (Facebook and Instagram) on Saturday, Sept. 5. At 12P noon.