Distinguished Alumni Recap

October 24 2017

By the ArtsForce Team

The ArtsForce Kick-off came and went. Thank you to everyone who came by and a huge thanks to our five distinguished alumni for their time and sage advice.  Every year we have a chance to learn from successful professionals from each department of the College of Fine Arts, so here are the key take aways from our distinguished alumni. 
On goals:
Whatever your art form, do it every day. 
Set a goal and do it. Start simple, maybe a one year goal plan. But always complete your goals. 
Be happy. Hang on to your calling and seek out every resource that will get you there.  
Follow your passion, but be pragmatic about it. Don’t let emotion keep you from a paycheck. 
Find mentors, whether it’s faculty or someone else. They will help you achieve your goals. 
On social media:
Use whatever social media kindly. Approach your online interactions like you would a real conversation. 
Depending on your art form (especially 2D art), social media is absolutely necessary. Consider how each medium will help you connect with people and enhance your career. 
Make a choice on which mediums you want, but have variety, not just one. 
Don’t let social media become a job, keep your persona and your art authentic. 
What should students start doing today? 
Be curious. Don’t always do art about what you know, use art to discover things you want to know about. 
Explore other interests. Plan additional career paths for when you want to move on. 
Talk face to face. Never underestimate the power of direct human connection. 
Cultivate relationships and engage in all art forms.  
Be human. If you can’t get in through the front door, use the back door. Be useful to people and they will open doors for you to excel.
Thanks again to everyone who came! CFA Students, keep an eye out on the ArtsForce Canvas Community for new discussions and opportunities. If you still have not joined ArtsForce, you can do so here.

The next ArtsForce workshop is November 3 from 3:00 – 4:30
Dreams, Goals, Reality: Clarifying Your Future in the Career & Professional Development Center Library (SSB 350)
Come experience an interactive workshop about learning to plan out your dreams to goals, and your goals to reality. A panel of young professionals will share their experiences and advice in preparing for the transition out of college, networking, and strengthening your online and professional artist profile. This workshop is in partnership with the Career and Professional Development Center, formerly Career Services, led by the CFA Career Adviser Eric Bloomquist.

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