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Fine Arts Fees (FAF) Grants

Any College of Fine Arts' student group that is registered with ASUU may apply for funding from the Fine Arts Fees Grants Funding Committee for noncredit activities that 1) enhance student learning and/or 2) enhance the student experience for the larger University community and/or 3) create or host fine arts events on campus and in the greater Salt Lake City area. Projects must originate in the College of Fine Arts, be advised by a College of Fine Arts faculty member and the department chair or director, and may involve students from other colleges.


CFA Dean's Fund for Excellence

The Dean will provide Fund for Excellence Awards on a first-come-first-served basis for projects that illustrate work of particularly high quality, as measured by the criteria listed below. Although the funds are primarily intended for student projects, in certain circumstances particularly worthy faculty projects that benefit students may also be considered. All proposed projects should illustrate extraordinary learning and/or research activities. The Fund for Excellence is supported entirely by contributions from generous donors to the College of Fine Arts.


Financial Matters

  • In order to receive a Fund for Excellence Award, other College monies must not be available for the project (e.g., FAF, grad travel)
  • Fund for Excellence Awards are not meant to replace what should be covered in the department's/school's base budget
  • The relevant department/school must provide some funding for the project

The High Caliber of Fund For Excellence Projects

  • A Fund for Excellence Award is an indicator of the high caliber of the CFA, as measured by our disciplines. Evidence of high caliber includes, but is not limited to:
    • National/international dissemination and impact
    • Top-tier location/venue
    • A Fund for Excellence Award will be an activity we can report to campus and our disciplines to illustrate the excellence of CFA students

Application Process (Rolling Deadline)

Applications will be accepted at any time, but please keep in mind that:

  • A Fund for Excellence application must be made well in advance of the event
  • A truly excellent opportunity generally will not be "last minute"
  • The Dean will review Fund for Excellence applications approximately once a month

A Fund for Excellence application must include a clear, detailed, and complete budget and a statement of support from your Chair/Director.


Academic Advising

Academic advisors are educators and problem solvers who advocate for students as they navigate their personal journeys through higher education and attain their academic goals. Academic advisors open doors to new opportunities for self-awareness and growth, empowering students to define their roles as citizens within local and global communities.


Inspired Living 

College of Fine Arts Undergraduate Students have two options for living on campus. The EE Jones Fine Arts House and the Fine Arts Floor. Students who living in the Arts House and on the Arts Floor make up the most vibrant living communities on campus.


Individual Travel Grants

This travel fund is to support Individual Undergraduate or Graduate Students presenting or performing their scholarly or creative research at national or international venues. There is a limit of $750 International/$500 National per academic year for each applicant, and funds will be disbursed on a first-come basis.

Please e-mail from your UMail a completed application form to Associate Dean Lien Fan Shen and include a copy of the formal invitation to present or a link to the conference/presenting organization's website listing you as a presenter/performer or include a paragraph from your department chair, school director, or faculty advisor explaining why this presentation/performance is important to your undergraduate career and/or education. Direct any questions about the Individual Student Travel Grants to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send all communications through your uMail and check it regularly for responses.

Please note that the Dean's Office Graduate Student Travel Fund is not available for opportunities that could be funded by the CFA FAF Grants.

Individual Student Travel Application 2023-24 PDF

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