One of the primary tenets of higher education is shared governance, in which various groups of people share in decision-making processes. One way that the College of Fine Arts supports the notion of shared governance is through its various committees. We value the multiplicity of voices in our college community, thus our committees are populated with students, staff, and all ranks of faculty.
Our College Council Charter, which outlines the membership and role of the College Council, also authorizes seven standing committees and the potential for ad hoc committees as needed. Descriptions of the existing committees and their current membership are listed below. If you are interested in service opportunities, please inform your units Department Chair/School Director and
College Council
The College Council is the representative body of the College of Fine Arts, which shall have, subject to the approval of the Academic Senate, jurisdiction over all questions of educational policy affecting the College, including program development, requirements for entrance and graduation, curriculum, course fees, and special projects.The College Council meets four times each year and consists of representatives from tenure-line faculty, career-line faculty, staff, and students from the College.
Click here to read the CFA College Council Charter
2023-24 College Council Roster
John W. Scheib | Dean - College of Fine Arts
Lien Fan Shen | Associate Dean - College of Fine Arts
Liz Leckie | Associate Dean - College of Fine Arts
Adam Pfost | Assistant Dean - College of Fine Arts
Chloe Jones | Assistant Dean – College of Fine Arts
Kelby McIntyre-Martinez | Associate Dean - College of Fine Arts
Becky Zarate | Associate Dean - College of Fine Arts
Sean Carter | Executive Assistant to the Dean - College of Fine Arts
Lynn Maxfield | Associate Director – College of Fine Arts
V.Kim Martinez | Art & Art History
Michael Hirshon | Art & Art History
Laurel Caryn | Art & Art History
Jen Humphrey | Art & Art History
Melonie Murray | Dance
Molly Heller | Dance
Kym McDaniel | Dance
Doug Corbin | Dance
Aaron Swenson | Dance
Andrew Nelson | Film & Media Arts
Hubbel Palmer | Film & Media Arts
Gretchen Jude | Film & Media Arts
Paul Larsen | Film & Media Arts
Jen Humphrey| Film & Media Arts
Kim Councill | Music
Josiah Boornazian | Music
Michael Chikinda | Music
Christopher DuVal | Theatre
Erin Speer | Theatre
David Schmidt | Theatre
Margo Andrews | Theatre
Aaron Swenson | Theatre
Blake Bratcher | IT/Marketing/Advisors/Development Staff Group
Dillan Burnett | ASUU Assembly
Noah Reese | ASUU Assembly
Anna Roelofs | CFA Senate
SAC Members:
Mary Lambert | Art & Art History
Mickayla Koday | Art & Art History
Rebekah Guerra | Dance
Henrik Gustafson | Dance
Claire Walsh | Film & Media Arts
Mustafa Bin Javed | Film & Media Arts
Alec Stevens | Music
Briana Gillet | Music
Lauren Carn | Theatre
James Wong | Theatre
CFA Academic Appeals Committee
In accord with the University Student Code
(Policy 6-400), members of this Committee are appointed to staggered 3-year terms by the Dean. The full committee shall consist of one representative from the faculty of each academic unit of the College, the Student Advisory Committee Chairs, and one external faculty representative as determined by the Academic Senate’s Personnel and Elections Committee. The Associate Dean for Faculty & Academic Affairs shall serve as chair unless the appeal concerns a graduate student, in which case the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs will serve as chair. For each individual appeal that comes to the Committee, the relevant Academic Appeals Committee Chair shall form a panel (subset) of the
procedures consistent with the Student Code. See University Policy 6-400-Sec. IV-C, V-C, VI-C (Student Code—Academic Appeals Committee).
- Lien Fan Shen and Liz Leckie (Ex-Officio)
- Michael Hirshon | Art & Art History
- Christine McMillan | Dance
- Sarah Sinwell | Film & Media Arts
- Mike Sammons | Music
- Tim Slover | Theatre
- Student Advisory Committee Chairs
- University Representative (determined by Academic Senate)
CFA Arts Education Committee
Members of this Committee are appointed annually by the Dean. The Committee shall consist of one representative from each academic unit of the College and one representative from each area that supports a youth arts program. The Assistant Dean for Arts Education & Community Engagement serves as chair. The purpose of this Committee is to discuss the scope and scale of youth arts education programs and community-based arts education partnerships and to make recommendations on programs, policies, and initiatives to the Chairs/Directors and the Dean. The Committee will meet at least twice a year—once during fall semester and once during spring semester—with additional meetings as required.
- Kelby McIntyre-Martinez (Chair)
- Beth Krensky | Art & Art History
- Pamela Geber Handman | Dance
- Kerri Hopkins | Film & Media Arts
- Emily Mercado | Music
- Kelby McIntyre-Martinez | Theatre
CFA Curriculum Committee
Membership on the Curriculum Committee consists of all chairs of curriculum committees of the College’s academic units. The Associate Dean for Faculty & Academic Affairs and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs serve as Ex-Officio members of the Curriculum Committee. Members of the committee annually elect a committee member to serve as chair for a one-year term. The Committee reviews curriculum requests from academic units in the College, including new programs, program changes, degree offerings, course fees, minors, and certificate programs. The committee recommends for or against approval of requests. The committee may request additional clarification from the proposing unit before making such a recommendation, or alternatively recommend approval pending the proposing unit’s response to certain specific conditions.
• Lien Fan Shen and Liz Leckie (Ex-Officio)
• Simon Blundell | Art & Art History
• Jay Kim | Dance
• Miriam Albert-Sobrino | Film & Media Arts
• Catherine Mayes | Music
• David Eggers | Theatre
For more information about the Curriculum Process in the College of Fine Arts, please click here.
CFA Executive Committee
Membership on this committee shall consist of the Dean of the College, the Associate Dean(s), the Assistant Dean(s), and theChair/Director of each academic unit. The Executive Committee shall convene at the discretion of the Dean, who chairs the Committee. The Dean sets theagenda for Executive Committee meetings. The Dean shall appoint an ExecutiveSecretary of the Executive Committee annually. The Executive Committee serves as an advisory board to the Dean.
- John W. Scheib | Dean
- Lien Fan Shen | Associate Dean for Faculty & Academic Affairs
- Liz Leckie | Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs
- Becky Zarate | Associate Dean for Research
- Adam Pfost | Assistant Dean for Finance & Operations
- Kelby McIntyre-Martinez | Associate Dean for Arts Education & Community Engagement
- Chloe Jones | Assistant Dean for Art & Creative Engagement
- Kim Martinez | Chair, Department of Art & Art History
- Melonie Murray | Director, School of Dance
- Andrew Nelson | Chair, Department of Film & Media Arts
- Kim Councill | Director, School of Music
- Chris Duval | Interim Chair, Department of Theatre
CFA Faculty Counsel Committee (FCC)
The Faculty Council Committee (FCC) is an ad-hoc committee made up of the faculty representatives of the College Council. The FCC meets twice each year—once in the Fall to review Requests for Faculty Positions (RFPs), and once in the Spring. The FCC serves as an advisory body to the Dean on matters impacting the faculty members of the CFA.
CFA Representatives on the University’s Academic Senate
The following individuals represent the College of Fine Arts on the Academic Senate of the University.
- Henry Becker | Art & Art History
- Laura Grantier | Music
- Julie Wright-Costa | Music
- Andra Harbold | Theatre
- Sydney Cheek O'Donnell | Theatre
- Christine McMillan | Dance (Career-line Faculty Representative)
Additional faculty members serve on standing and ad-hoc committees of the Academic Senate. For a full roster of Academic Senate Representatives and committees, please click here.
CFA Grants Committee
The CFA Grants Committee is an ad-hoc committee of faculty members selected by the Dean to review internal grant submissions within the College of Fine Arts.
- Lien Fan Shen and Becky Zarate (Ex-Officio)
- Ed Bateman | Art & Art History
- Jay Kim | Dance
- Craig Caldwell | Film & Media Arts
- Steven Vanhauwaert | Music
- Gretchen Case | Theatre
CFA RPT Advisory Committee
The College RPT Advisory Committee consists of one elected tenured faculty member (or the elected alternate) from each academic unit of the college. The purpose of the College RPT Committee is to ensure that tenure-line faculty candidates are carefully evaluated in accordance with the criteria, standards, and procedures provided for in the RPT Statement established by the candidate’s department/school, in compliance with all relevant College and University policies and procedures.
- Lien Fan Shen (Ex-Officio)
- Jessen Kelly | Art & Art History
- Luc Vanier | Dance
- Kevin Hanson | Film & Media Arts
- Kirstin Chavez | Music (Fall 2023)
- Julie Wright Costa | Music (Spring 2024)
- Tim Slover | Theatre
To access Departmental and College-wide RPT Policy documents, please click here.
CFA Safety Committee
All colleges at the University of Utah are required to establish, support, and maintain active safety committees. The primary goal of these committees is to promote a culture of safety across campus. Safety is a broad topic that encompasses research, field work, and day-to-day operations. The work of the safety committees is intended to eliminate or minimize workplace injuries and illnesses and ensure regulatory compliance by involving students, employees, and managers in the process of creating and maintaining a safe work environment. Following safe practices in every environment, in the field, in the lab, in the office, and even during personal time, leads to greater efficiency, improved productivity, higher quality research, and an enhanced sense of well being.
Committee Members:
- Adam Pfost - Chair
- Claudia Horton - Music
- Gretchen Tanner - Fine Arts West
- Halee Rasmussen - Theatre
- Em Bertelli - Dance
- Jen Humphreys - Film & Media Arts
- Dr. Mike Sammons - Music
- Shawn Porter - Art & Art History
- Sarah Hudson - Pioneer Memorial Theatre
- Azeel Ismaeil- OEHS Representative
- TBD - Student Representative
The CFA College Safety Committee is currently gathering resources and helpful information. Members of the safety committee can click here to access the folder in uBox.
Fine Arts Fees Grants (FAF Grants) Funding Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to award student fee money (Fine Arts Fees) to non-creditactivities that enhance students’ learning and experience by delivering Fine Arts events to the University of Utah and the community at large. In order for student groups to be eligible for a FAF Grant, they must be affiliated/sponsored by the College of Fine Arts and registered through ASUU.
Members of the Fine Arts Fees Grants Funding Committee shall consist of three student representatives for each CFA unit and the CFA student representatives from ASUU (ASUU Senators and Assembly Members). The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs serves as Ex-Officio member and chair, with additional support from other members of the Dean’s Office staff as needed. The Committee will develop and publish criteria and meet twice a year—once during fall semester and once during spring semester—to make awards. The Committee will hold additional meetings as needed to complete the awarding of funds and/or to make changes to application and award guidelines and policies.
Youth Arts Division Committee
- Kelby McIntyre-Martinez, Associate Dean
- Kerri Hopkins, ArtsBridge Director
- Preparatory Division, School of Music | Gretchen Tanner
- Piano Outreach, School of Music | Desiree Gonzalez-Miller
- Youth Theatre, Department of Theatre | Penny Caywood
- Marriott Library Book Arts Program | Jazmin Gallegos
- Utah Presents | Melissa Salguero
- Tanner Dance | MaryAnn Lee/Diana Timothy
- Utah Museum of Fine Arts | Annie Burbidge Ream
- Pioneer Theatre Company | Heidi Bruce & Eric Jackson
- Youth Protection | Marci Hutchinson (guest)